Table of Contents:


Invited Papers

Javier Alejandro Garavaglia, “Music and Technology: What Impact Does Technology Have on the Dramaturgy of Music?”

Peer-Reviewed Papers

Per Aage Brandt, “Music and the Abstract Mind”

Runa Fanany, “The Musicality of Language: An Application of Musical Analysis to Speech and Writing”

Sara Zamir & Juliette Hassine, “Reading Liszt’s Harmonies du Soir Through the Soleil Couchant (Sunset) Theme in French Romantic Poetry”

Kenneth L. Wilson, Jason Adam Wasserman & Florin Lowndes, “Saving Society from Instrumental Rationality: A Study of Mahler and Homeless Research in the Spirit of Adorno’s Critical Musicology”

Reviews and Commentaries

Emma Gallon, Review of: Halfyard, Janet, ed., Berio’s Sequenzas

Recent Publications