We are pleased to announce that the 10th issue of JMM: The Journal of Music and Meaning the website for JMM10, the publication of which began in July, 2011, has now been finalized, as of July 7, 2012.
This was the first issue to implement the previously announced ‘rolling publication’ policy: New entries have been added to the issue as they became ready for publication.
The website for the issue can still be found at jmm10.musicandmeaning.net. In addition to the blog-based format of the issue, a full PDF document of the issue can also be downloaded here.
Table of Contents (organized according to categories):
Peer-Reviewed Papers
Karen Fournier: “Theorizing Conceptual Change in Music Scholarship”
Dennis Kurzon: “Hush… The Lights Are Dimmed: A Case of Situational Silence”
Research Reports
Nicolas Marty: “‘Creavolution’ with Trevor Wishart”